Wednesday, December 29, 2010

List Of WoW Photos (By Selon And Alaissabe)

Lowest ping ever......

Our corpse killing skill is remarkable......

A spore that can attack......

Stormcrow standing in the air......

The dancing flame's still there eh? XD

Sunday, December 26, 2010

List Of WoW Photos (By Selon And Alaissabe)

Anao...... mi eh? Is that a coincidence or what??? And look at the guild name...... Obsidian Order...... Hmmmm...... Looks like we have some serious competition here......

I am Recruitment Officer Blythe in Valiance Keep.

What are they doing???

Standing on top of the road sign

Largest can cutest murloc ever encounter

I wonder if a hunter can tame this and make a 3 person ride on their own......

Highest level mob ever encountered......

"The Horde Shall Fall"...... Are you sure???

Murloc constume

Ya know? Sometimes...... I do love the GM......