Saturday, December 11, 2010

List Of WoW Photos (By Selon And Alaissabe)

Above Skysong Lake

Hearthstoning while swiming

When it's come to moon viewing in WoW, the moon is always a full moon. I wonder why......

"Patches" the friendly ghoul

Mining stuff above high-rise mountain.

Wanna avoid those stinking Hordes while in Arathi Highland? Our great dwarf (and also the first dwarf) know the answer.

Hmmm...... I think I found another hiding spot, take a look at the map, it's not far from the Aaron's hiding spot.

Graceful cat on the beam

Thursday, December 9, 2010

List Of WoW Photos (By Selon)

After all the monthly fees to Streamyx, this is what they give us......

BG-ing in almost 2k ping...... This is Streamyx......

Molten...... Please fix this bug...... It is really a pain in my ass that I cannot drink in dungeon......

Resurrect now? Of course no!!!!!!

Doing Culling of Stratholme in almost 4k ping, this is how we Malaysian play WoW...... And I am so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ proud of it......

A cute murloc plushie

It's only 11am in the morning...... But take a look at the ping...... Sigh......

WoW version of Christ the Redeemer

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only a preist can do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh! Those Hordes can't even lay a single finger on me! I guess not all bugs are bad eh?

I like my map......

Longest queue ever encountered