Thursday, December 9, 2010

List Of WoW Photos (By Selon)

After all the monthly fees to Streamyx, this is what they give us......

BG-ing in almost 2k ping...... This is Streamyx......

Molten...... Please fix this bug...... It is really a pain in my ass that I cannot drink in dungeon......

Resurrect now? Of course no!!!!!!

Doing Culling of Stratholme in almost 4k ping, this is how we Malaysian play WoW...... And I am so~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ proud of it......

A cute murloc plushie

It's only 11am in the morning...... But take a look at the ping...... Sigh......

WoW version of Christ the Redeemer

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only a preist can do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heh! Those Hordes can't even lay a single finger on me! I guess not all bugs are bad eh?

I like my map......

Longest queue ever encountered

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